HTX Exchange Info, Markets & Trading Volume.

Exchange NameHTX
Volume (24H) $2,877,327,617.95
29,178.27 BTC
Established Year2013

HTX exchange last 24 hours trading volume is $2,877,327,617.95 (29,178.27 BTC). HTX exchange is established 2013 in Seychelles.

Huobi (Chinese: 火币网; pinyin: Huǒbìwǎng) is a cryptocurrency exchange located in the Seychelles. The firm was founded in China and currently has offices in Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and the United States. It became a publicly traded Hong Kong business in August 2018.

Following the Chinese government's 2017 ban on Bitcoin exchanges, Huobi ceased Bitcoin withdrawals. Huobi China is still active as a blockchain consultancy and research platform.

As of March 2018, Huobi handled around $1 billion in deals each day.

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